Jacob Hashimoto at the Grand Hyatt at SFO

8 San Francisco Hotels Featuring Awesome Local Art


Whether it’s a quick tour, an overnight stay or an extended vacation venture, discover the hottest local artists, a renowned photo collection chronicling San Francisco’s Beat Era, and the legendary rock and roll hotel, party hot-spot, and launching pad for world-renowned bands like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam and The Killers.


100 Channel St.

位于Mission Bay中心的新LUMA酒店拥有当地艺术英雄的作品,它不仅照亮了大堂,还照亮了附近的所有三层楼 照亮 安装. Artist Jim Campbell is the prolific artist who installed 白天换黑夜 在Salesforce大厦的顶部,创造了这个引人注目的装置,从每个角度看都不一样,并利用窗户的反射来放大它的运动. The figures within climb an infinite stretch of the waterfall, allowing Campbell to create delight out of physical struggle.

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The Mosser Hotel


Nestled between 联合广场 and The Moscone Center, 这座历史悠久的建筑融合了维多利亚式建筑和现代室内设计. In partnership with the San Francisco nonprofit ArtSpan, 酒店定期举办当地艺术展览,作为社区艺术项目的一部分. 作为ArtSpan会员的当地艺术家有机会展出, promote and sell their artwork to Bay Area and visiting art lovers.

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1986年他在田德隆买了一栋用木板封起来的大楼, Chip Conley founded the Joie De Vivre hotel chain, 而这个长期被忽视的物业也成为了传奇的凤凰酒店, 一个以泳池为中心的豪华汽车旅馆和臭名昭著的摇滚碰撞垫,上面有一幅水下壁画,名为 My Fifteen Minutes/Tumbling Waves by Francis Forlenza.

在忠实于其摇滚根源的同时,今天的视觉艺术占据了舞台的中心. Don’t miss the psychedelic-Zen, life-sized frog statue near the pool, or the 2013-commissioned mural by Bay Area wunderkind Zio Ziegler, tattooing the skin of the building with a colorful new sleeve.


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444 Columbus Ave.

The best new place to crash in 北海滩 is Beat-inspired through and through. 悬挂的灯罩兼作精美的拼贴画,装饰着一个时代的回忆, 包括Blue Note唱片公司的旧专辑袖子和《贝博体彩》诗集的平装封面.

Lining the hallways, 1950′s black and white photos by legendary photographer, 导演, 社会活动家杰里·斯托尔回忆起凯鲁亚克烟雾缭绕的散文,同时也是这座城市古老的波西米亚景象的窗口. 花点时间沉浸在他的作品的最大的永久收藏和令人回味的图像,精致地捕捉他所谓的“贝博体彩app文艺复兴."

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28 Cyril Magnin St.

在鲍威尔街缆车转弯处,历史与数字革命相遇. This chic new hotel is next to Hallidie Plaza, 以他的名字命名的安德鲁·史密斯·哈利迪发明了为城市缆车系统供电的钢缆. 客人穿过隐藏的光线隧道进入大厅,灵感来自“Axiom”这个词的视觉表现及其强烈的角度字体, the hotel's murals from local street artists 1AM, short for First Amendment, 模仿单词的线条和角度,使用三角形网格形成几何构图. 作为一个科技大都市,艺术作品将这座城市的历史与现在联系起来,有很多值得探索的地方, including a visit to the “Hallidie Library,的特色书籍和奇珍异宝,可以追溯到著名的贝博体彩app.

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Just steps from 联合广场, 这家精品酒店叛逆地庆祝城市的反文化传统与必看的艺术品和恶作剧的方法的碰撞.

客人们会在大厅里看到一个7英尺高、头发飘逸的女性雕塑, created by Brian Mock from 100% recycled materials, cutlery and tools. Grace Slick’s custom portrait, painted on reclaimed wood by Antonio Mora, watches over the lobby and café lounge seating. 一个用回收的车牌做成的比生命更大的和平标志使游戏室增色不少, 艾伦·金斯伯格(Allen Ginsburg)的诗《贝博体彩》(HOWL)中的诗句被用紫外线漆潦草地写在天花板上, spontaneously appearing and fading away.

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Grand Hyatt San Francisco

345 Stockton St.

贝博体彩app湾区概念艺术家劳拉·金普顿的标志性雕塑“彩虹之爱”于2016年6月揭幕, 成为贝博体彩app君悦酒店委托制作的第11件当地艺术品. 这个特定场地的作品是与联合广场酒店接壤的新公共庭院的亮点, where it is joined by the Ruth Asawa Fountain, 这是一座历史悠久的青铜雕塑,上面有异想天开的图像,反映了贝博体彩app传奇的过去.

内部, 当地艺术家的七幅大型画作包括大卫·钟利(David Choong Lee)的镜像油画和丙烯酸组合,名为“风之村1”和“风之村2”." In the OneUp Lounge is "Quintessence" by Damon Soule, 面对这件作品的是马里奥·马丁内斯的《贝博体彩app》." An 11- by 13-foot acrylic and collage on wood "Ficus" by Reuben Rude holds court on its own in the OneUp restaurant. The 36th Floor is home to "Where Dreams Are Born" by Erik Otto and "What Dreams Are Made Of" by Ursula Xanthe Young.

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Author 布伦达·塔克

布伦达·塔克 is the Director of 艺术 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. She has lived in San Francisco since 1998, after driving cross-country to a home she secured sight unseen. Brenda enjoys swimming out-of-doors year-round, being inspired by the incredible art scene in the City, and living in the best place on earth.